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Friday, December 17, 2010

Why do we do the things we do?

It seems that nothing surprises us any more, does it?  The local and national news is now watched more for entertainment than information. "What was done today that might top yesterday?" we say.  Of course, in much self-righteousness we can never see ourselves doing those same things.  Because of this, it is natural for us to ask, "Why do people do such things?"  The answer is simple, and yet alarming to our souls: we do not truly know God and His Son Jesus Christ.

As Jesus addressed His disciples in John's 16th Gospel chapter, He begins by warning them of the things that are certain to come.  In verse 2 He tells them that they will shunned from the synagogues and even killed for the stand they take in Christ.  Amazingly, when Jesus spoke these things, He did so with flippant certainty... as if there is really no other response from sinners to our life in Christ.  This type of Christianity is unheard of in our lives today.

Verse 3 reveals the truth behind the actions of those who would do such evil: "And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me."  This says so much about why we do the things we do.  Our actions are evidence of our knowledge of God and His Son.  Something mysterious happens as we gain knowledge of God and His Son.  All the more reason we should spend quality time in His Word and around His teachings.

It needs to be understood that this truth is not for the unbelieving only.  In fact, our hearts as believing Christians is evidence to our knowledge of God.  Christians are prone to the same acts of evil as we retard our growth in Him.  As our speech gives evidence to the content of our heart, so our actions reveal the level of knowledge that we have of God.

So, the next time you discover the evil actions of others in your world, of both believers and unbelievers, be cognizant  of the source of such evil.  They are lacking knowledge of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Pastor Mike Carmody

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oops, I did it again, without the help of the Holy Spirit!

The obvious theme of John’s 16th Gospel chapter is the soon coming of the Holy Spirit into the life of the believer.  So much is learned about the Holy Spirit in these few verses.  We learn that the Holy Spirit is a “he” and not an “it.”  We learn that he has roles and a meaningful purpose to exist in the heart of the believer. In other words, he is more than a simple companion or an adequate “filler” of the void that Jesus’ absence would create.  The Holy Spirit is meant for so much in our life that seemingly is not tapped into today.

As we read the words of Christ in this 16th chapter, we can’t help but believe that Jesus saw a great significance in the Holy Spirit’s coming.  Much emphasis is made of his coming into and guiding of our life. Verse 7 says, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”

The word “expedient” is an interesting one, isn’t it?  The word here gives thought to “better for your sakes”. In other words, it’s not simply “important” or “necessary” that the Holy Spirit come, but it is both important and necessary that he come because it is “better for your sakes” that he come into your life.  It’s as if Jesus is telling them that the things that will take place in their life after His ascension into Heaven are so great that they will require the Holy Spirit’s presence to overcome.

But this isn’t what we are seeing in our lives today. Yes, the things that we are facing today do in fact require the Holy Spirit’s presence, but it doesn’t seem that we are relying on his presence today.  In fact, I’m finding great difficulty seeing any difference at all in the life of the Christian and the non-Christian when facing the battles of our day.  Think about it- would the Holy Spirit, if utilized by today’s Christian, lead us into senseless divorce, bankruptcy and hatred for one another?  I think not!

I recently sat for lunch with a man who spilled his life’s guts out to me as he justified his many bad decisions based on the lack of options that were given to him.  I asked him, “How often do you pray to God and research the scriptures before making these decisions?”  He replied, “never”, with his head bowed low.  This man is a Christian leader in our community.  I’m afraid we have underutilized the gift of the Holy Spirit in our life.

Let me close with a final Scripture reading from Romans 8:8-11, “So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ [be] in you, the body [is] dead because of sin; but the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.”

Do more today than tap into the Holy Spirit… let him tap into you. Let him guide your ever move and thought of mind.  Let him take up his abode in your life… and may it be evident that something is different in your life.

Pastor Mike Carmody

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Art of Speech Temperance

Of course, Jesus is our all sufficient source for ultimate wisdom and guidance in any and all areas of life. But have you ever considered following His example of speech?  No, I don't mean to suggest that we should speak "King Jimmy" to those who might be willing to listen.  I'm speaking more to the "whens" and "hows" of our saying all that we say.  

Let me explain; take for example Christ's explanation of His LACK of speech to His disciples in John 16:12. He says, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now."  Take in consideration that Jesus knows that His death is eminent, and yet He sees no need to "speed teach" His disciples.  In fact, He tells them that what He would like to teach them, He can not because of their lack of spiritual maturity.

Now, it would make since that He would see the need to expedite their understanding by cramming a 3 1/2 year college degree into a few days... but He doesn't.  He recognizes where they are and teaches them on their level, and nothing more.  He had spent the last 3+ years with these men and He knew them well.  He even knew where they were intellectually.  They were not ready to hear all that He had to say... so He didn't say it.

We, on the other hand, have the tendency to say all that comes to our mind, whether anyone is ready to hear it or not.  We often feel the need to "speed teach" those who might want to learn from us.  We do this based on our false sense of urgency.  We have the "now or never" mentality; when the fact is, whether we have 5 minutes left on this earth or 5 years... each is equivalent to 100% of the rest of our life.  Christ understood this.

He also understood that the Holy Spirit would do more (by length of time) than He would do in His brief time here on earth.  One possible theme of this chapter is the assuredness of the Holy Spirit's indwelling in the life of each true believer.  While the disciples did not understand this, Jesus did, and He was not about to wonder into the Holy Spirit's territory.  If Christ was not willing to do this, who are we to do so?

Where does this patience come in handy?  Raising our children, fostering care for others who are placed in our realm of responsibility, discipling 1 or a group of new converts.  Regardless, speaking to to others on their level will cause them to want to follow you to the next level.Now, with all that said, we must also know that while Jesus was tempered in His ability to "hold back" needed information based on the disciples ability to comprehend, He was also careful to not speak beneath them either.  He challenged their thinking regularly. In response, many chose to no longer follow Him (John 6:66).  In other words, while He was careful to teach on their level, He did not refrain from telling them the truth. He simply told them the truth that they needed to hear, and no more.

Jesus said in Matt 12:34, "...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." If your heart is to truly educate, you must be willing to temper your gift of teaching with quality observation of those to whom you offer your teaching, whether your children or "mega-church" following.  Speaking, simply because you have something to say, will cost you more time in reiteration than if you were to speak once- as the listener is ready to hear; and often as is needed.

Pastor Mike Carmody

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Abiding In Christ part 2

In John 15 we read about the “husbandman” who makes this great practice of going about His vineyard both pruning and plucking.  Masterfully He makes His way along the vine in divine inspectory.  Amazingly this Master Gardener has never made a single mistake as He cuts His way along the vine with great precision. He has never pruned a branch that needed plucking nor has He ever plucked a branch that was to be pruned.

What is it that He is doing exactly?  What purpose does He have in this process of pruning and plucking?  John 15 tells us that He is preparing the vine for future growth.  He is making preparations for mass quantities of heavy fruit that will soon cause these newly wounded branches to bow down low to the ground- as if to worship the husbandman as He makes His way through the garden.

In the process of all this holy gardening, some branches rejoice that they have been wounded, knowing that the gardener has sovereign right to His vineyard and will do to His vineyard anything He chooses, as His good pleasure requires.  While other branches reject the care of the husbandman for His vineyard and protest His craft in fruitless disapproval.  However, their protesting comes with a great price.  According to verse 6 “…men gather them, and cast [them] into the fire, and they are burned.” 

The question must be asked, “What’s the difference between pruning and plucking?” In all actuality, the process is very much the same: in justice to the vineyard and in love to the Vine, the Gardener cuts back the foliage of all the branches. In other words, no branch is left uncut.  However, in response to the cutting by the husbandman, some branches bear even more fruit than before having been cut.  However, by the same cutting, some branches respond by bearing no fruit at all.  In short, all the branches will be cut by the Gardener… that’s what gardeners do.  The evidence of His love for the Vine is that He cuts the branches.  And the evidence of the branches love for the Gardener is their bearing of much fruit in the Vine.

Another question must be asked: How will you respond to the Gardener’s love for His Vine?  Will you rejoice or will you reject? Those who rejoice the cutting of themselves by the Gardener will do so by producing much fruit for His Vineyard.  And those who reject will do so by protesting both the vineyard and the Vine.  

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Abiding in Christ part 1

We will be taking a hard look this week at John’s 15th Gospel chapter. Some of the most powerful words ever spoken from the mouth of God in the flesh were spoken in this chapter.  What is understood from His teaching here could mean the difference between heaven and hell.

There are many themes in this chapter:
1)   God’s sovereignty is an awesome theme displayed in verse 1 “…my father is the husbandman.”
2)   “Abiding” in Christ is another great theme.  The word is mentioned no less than 6 times in this chapter alone.
3)   The believer’s producing of fruit is another great theme.  Fruit is in fact the evidence of our value to the vine.

But, perhaps the greatest theme in this chapter is the sum total of all three.  In this we find the theme of “our resemblance to Jesus Christ.”  This should be our greatest theme… that we look like Jesus Christ.  You see, bearing much fruit is the natural response of any branch that is abiding in Christ because they look like Jesus Christ.  And as we see in this chapter, any fruit that is born from any branch is a sovereign work of God (vs 5). 

So, in this we see that our being Christ like is the yielding ourselves to God for the purpose looking like His Son, and the means of doing so is abiding in Him and the evidence of that abiding is the production of fruit. 

May we thank God today that He has prepared for us a vine by which to abide… and the evidence of that abiding is the production of much fruit.  And why do we hope to produce fruit?  Verse 8 says, “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.”  So, we bear much fruit that God would be glorified by the branches.

I want to spend this week learning what it is to look like Jesus for the glory of God.  My hope is that you will take just a few moments each day to examine this text in preparation of our Sunday morning gathering.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Worry part 2

Fear demands our worry while faith demands our worship. Never do the two coincide.

Why is worry a sin? Because it replaces the hole left behind when faith has vacated the premises of our heart.  The very foundation of the heart of every born again Christian is faith.  Faith is what everything else is built upon: peace, joy, discipleship, spiritual growth, knowledge, patience, strength, hope, etc… Fear is NEVER the bi-product of faith.  Therefore, when worry is present, we know it to be the response of a faithless heart.

In other words, fear is to be considered a barometer of our faith.  We can measure our faith based on the level of fear that exists in our heart.  You might ask, “Isn’t fear natural?”  The answer might be, “Yes, when we are living a life of faithlessness.”

Allow me to put a little pressure on your Christianity by asking you a challenging question: do you believe in God?  In particular, do you believe that Jesus is God? In John 14, Jesus makes a challenging statement. In verse 1 He says, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”  Notice that He begins with a valuable word of comfort, “Let not your heart be troubled”, and then He tells us how that is possible, “ye believe in God, believe also in me.”  Here we see God’s method of removing worry from our life: the belief that Jesus is God.  Friend, something supernatural takes place when the believer of God makes the connection that God and Jesus are one!

Now, David said in Psalm 14:1, “The fool hath said in his heart, [There is] no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, [there is] none that doeth good.”  The point I hope to make is this: David isn’t speaking here merely to the atheist who has no single belief in any god, but rather, those who say they have belief in God but do not place their trust in Him.  He is saying that we are fools for claiming the name of God but allowing worry to fill the void of a faithless heart.  Also, notice that David declares worry to be an abominable work and that this is not good.

It needs to be understood that when we exercise worry and not faith, we aren’t eliminating the worship of a god, but rather, we are eliminating the worship of the true and living God; and in particular, Jesus Christ.  In other words, whatever it is that we are worrying about becomes our god and worry becomes the tool by which we worship that god. 

Think of it this way: when we worry, we are openly placing a value upon the ability of God to perform. In other words, fear becomes more valuable than our faith in God.  In our heart, we are telling God to step aside while we handle this matter with fear instead of faith. May we seek today to place all our trust in the true and living God who considers anything less than complete faith an abomination.  

So why should a Christian never worry?
  1. Our Residence in Glory Is Constructed
  2. Our Redeemer and God is Coming
  3. Our Reservation by Grace is Confirmed
  4. Our Reunion is Guaranteed with Christ 

Worry part 1

To worry, about anything, is to give evidence to the condition of your heart.  We must stop using our great care for this world as justification for our lack of faith in an all-sufficient God.

The way John 13 ends and the way chapter 14 begins seems odd to me. To end John 13 at verse 38 is like ending the life of a caterpillar before seeing what it can do with wings. At the end of chapter 13, Jesus was prophesying the great denying by Peter in the hours to come.  Why the translators of the Bible chose to break the chapters at this point is a mystery.  Had there been no separation between the two chapters, we might have a totally different perspective of chapter 14.

As we enter chapter 14, and the caterpillar grows its wings and becomes a butterfly, we see that all is not lost when we find ourselves in our lowest state.  In one breath, Jesus both foretells His soon betrayal by Peter and then tells him that his betrayal will not be the end.  How comforting this is to disciples like myself who find ourselves repenting regularly of our lack of faith in God, only to struggle soon thereafter.  All is not lost!

Verse 1 of chapter 14 reads like this: “Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in me.”  How beautiful this one verse is! Again, in one verse Jesus is foretelling possibly the greatest sin known to any Christian, the denying of our Lord; and in the next verse He is telling them that this denying is made possible by the condition of their heart.

We must understand that worry (a troubled heart) is a form of Christ denial.  In other words, worry is a sin because it shows evidence that we have denied the Lord in our heart.  Actually, the sin of worry is to be considered a great sin because, by default, worry is the absence of faith in God and His all-sufficient grace.  This should be alarming to Christians!

It needs to be understood that worry doesn’t remove faith, but rather worry is the evidence of faith already removed.  In other words, worry isn’t the bartering of faith for something else, but rather, worry is present because of the lack of faith.  Without exception, when the heart is absent of faith, worry will soon fill its void.

So do you see how that our worrying is an insult to an all-sufficient Savior?  If not, allow me to make a proposition to you quickly: If someone were to offer you abundant life on earth, with the promise of continual care till death, help in times of persecution, support in times of struggle, a comfort in times of need and a home in heaven when you die… would that be something you might be interested in?  If you are a Christian, that is exactly what you received when you came to know Christ as Savior.  Trust Him completely. Anything less is an insult to the cross of Calvary!

So why should a Christian never worry?
  1. Our Residence in Glory Is Constructed
  2. Our Redeemer and God is Coming
  3. Our Reservation by Grace is Confirmed
  4. Our Reunion is Guaranteed with Christ 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Basin and Towel part 4

What we know about a situation before entering into it will almost always dictate how we handle that situation.  If we enter into a room of people knowing that an old enemy is in the room, how we conduct ourselves may be different than if they were not there. In fact, if that person leaves the room, we feel a certain relief that they are gone. A freedom to conduct ourselves as normal. How did Jesus handle this kind of situation?

Here’s a little snack: John 13 tells the story of Jesus washing the feet of His 12 disciples. It’s a humble example of how we are to treat both our friends and our enemies.  The fact that Jesus knew that His time of departure from this world was nearing and that His leaving would be painful and tragic is without debate. Jesus was in fact God and knew His inevitable fate.  Perhaps Christ’s knowing fully His surroundings is what makes this story so remarkable.  Not only was He in the presence of His betrayer (Judas), but He knew it!

In fact, notice the number of times in this text that we are made aware of Christ’s full knowledge of His surroundings:

  • Verse 1 says, “…Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father…” 
  • Verse 3 says, “Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;”
  • Verse 11 says, “For he knew who should betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all clean.”
  • Verse 18 says, “I know whom I have chosen:”

At least 2 other times in this story we are made aware of Christ’s full knowledge of the situation. He knew that Judas would dip His bread after Him.  He also knew that the Peter would deny Him 3 times before the cock would crow.  It is this knowledge that makes this story so beautifully amazing.  For it is presence of such knowledge that Christ embarked upon such humility.

How many times have you said (or heard someone say), “Had I known that they were going to do that…” or “If I had known that they weren’t going to appreciate my gift…”?  You see, our knowing or not knowing the hearts of others will generally dictate how we deal with them.  Christ was no different.  He knew fully the hearts of all men and what their heart would lead them to do… and yet “…he loved them unto the end.” (verse 1)

This is why Jesus could tell them in verses 34 and 35, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”  Notice that there are no stipulations on this commandment.  He did not say, “Love one another…unless you know that they are going to harm you” or “Love one another… unless you the walk all over you.” 

When we consider the length that Jesus would go to love those who he knew would betray him, we then see the Love that Jesus had for His Father.  He loved the Father so much that loved us despite our affections for Him.  May we express this kind of love to one another.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Basin and Towel part 3

Perhaps the aspect of our relationship with Christ that is least appreciated is our fellowship with Him.  And for this reason do we live this life in constant pursuit of someone or something to satisfy that which Christ gave Himself.

Here’s a little snack:  In John 13, the Passover was at hand.  It was a fellowship of sorts that set the stage for the meal that Jesus would partake of with His disciples.  To further illustrate the level of importance of Christ’s fellowship with man, Jesus stripped Himself of His outer garments and wrapped around Him a rag meant for cleaning.  What a lovely symbolism of the length that Jesus would go to have fellowship with man.

Jesus then began to wash each disciple’s feet in perhaps the most humble act of service that could be offered by a king.  One by one, Jesus crawled around the room, washing dirty feet, dragging the basin of water from one disciple to the next.  When He came to Peter, in typical Peter-like character, he had something to say.  Surprised that Jesus would serve him, Peter put up a fuss.  “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” (verse 8)  This conversation between Peter and our Lord would serve as a dynamic focal point in Christianity… and yet so often overlooked.

“Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.” (verse 8b)  Jesus here was speaking of fellowship that can only be had through humble service.  Peter, however, thought that Jesus was speaking of eternal salvation. We know this because of his next words, “Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also [my] hands and [my] head.” Jesus was quick to uncover this mystery for Him. “Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash [his] feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all.”

In other words, “Peter, you are eternally saved; and my washing your feet is a symbol of my service to you as your example to serve others… even those who are not in the Kingdom.”  I believe it was then that Jesus washed Judas’ feet.

It’s hard to imagine a king stooping to wash the feet of the one who would betray Him. Oh how he desired sweet fellowship with His people.  The washing of feet was symbolic of the fellowship of service. But the service of Calvary would be for the purpose of eternal fellowship.

Jesus’ washing the feet of Judas did not secure his fellowship with the Lord.  In fact, Judas thought little of his time in fellowship with Jesus.  It angered him that Jesus would do this thing to him.  It was then that he determined that he would sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. 

How precious is your fellowship with Jesus?  It’s amazing how little we think of fellowshipping with Him.  Sleep, the quick taking of offense, lack of interest… the list goes on.  Every excuse we use to not fellowship with Jesus is the value that we place on His fellowship.  What excuse do you use to fellowship with Jesus?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Basin and Towel part 2

In the hours preceding the greatest act in human and angelic history (the death of Christ and the consummation of the Gospel), man makes prideful efforts to be exalted above the moment.  This is typical of a creation who seeks self exaltation above the glorification of Jesus Christ.

Here’s a little snack: We find ourselves journeying into and through the 13th chapter of John’s Gospel.  Shortly after Mary pours costly ointment on the feet of Christ and wipes His feet with her hair (chapter 12), Jesus does the very same thing to the feet of His disciples with water and a towel.  Mary's was a moment of worship, Jesus' a moment of service. Both were birthed from a heart of utter humiliation.

We learn from the introductory verses that Satan had entered into the heart of Judas for the purpose of betrayal.  Christ’s stripping Himself of His outer garments and the adorning Himself with rags made for cleaning was more than Judas could take.  In his mind, no king worth serving would stoop to such humble degrees of service.  The washing of dirty feet was the icing on the cake.  All Judas needed was an excuse to leave and this was it.

John tells us, in verses 6–10, of the conversation that Jesus had with Peter.  Not surprisingly, Peter would make the moment about him. Oh how we need to make every moment in Christ's presence about Him! Notice the language used by Peter as Jesus made His way around the room washing away the dirt, grime and sweat collected by the feet of these tired men after a day’s journeying with their Rabbi: “Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash ‘my’ feet?” (emphasis added). 

Peter struggled with the fact that Jesus placed him in the same category as the rest of the dirty disciples.  He had always struggled with this level of pride.  Peter had engaged in conversations with the others about who would be the greatest in the Kingdom… only to have Jesus rebuke him along with the others.  Peter thought little of exercising his authority over gravity in an attempt to walk on water to be with the Lord.  Only to have Jesus rescue him and put him back into the same boat with the others. Peter was a legend in his own mind and Jesus saw to it to humble him quickly.

The Lord’s response to Peter’s self exaltation came in the form of an ultimatum. Verse 8 says, “Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.”Oh how deflating this was to Peter.  First he had to admit that he was dirty and secondly he had to submit to being served by the Lord.  The same is said of each sinner today: we must admit that we are dirty and submit to the cleansing of Christ’s serving us on Calvary as an act of obedience to the Father.

Peter responded as we must respond today, “Lord, not my feet only, but also [my] hands and [my] head."  Here we see the humble submission to a complete washing of ourselves that is necessary if ever we are to know the Lord completely.  First, we see the cleaning of the feet, which is symbolic of the deep depravity of the soul of man.  Secondly we see the washing of his head which is the cleansing of the mind (earthly wisdom and logic of man). Finally we see the washing of the hands, symbolic of any effort that we might have to offer for our own righteousness.

May we know today that we cannot clean ourselves, but rather, we must resolve to know and submit ourselves to the fact that God in the flesh has humbled Himself to cleanse us wholly, when we wouldn’t- nor couldn’t wash ourselves.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Basin and Towel part 1

Aside from the cross of Calvary, perhaps the most humbling scene for the reader of God’s Word takes place in John chapter 13, as Jesus takes a basin and a towel and begins washing the feet of His disciples.  This will be our focus this week.

Here’s a little snack: The picture of the King of Kings bending His knee to the floor- and with a water soaked towel washing the feet of His followers stirs an array of emotions. Peter, though hesitant at first, consented when he realized that this meant more than a simple gesture of hospitality, but rather a symbol of covenant between the disciple and his Rabbi.  For Judas, on the other hand, seeing the one whom he thought would take the government by storm bowing down to a fisherman- meant the end of a really good thing. 

But what about Jesus?  What kind of emotions ran through the Son of God as he transitioned from being a lion to a lamb?  Knowing that His time was now come, He must have felt some kind of emotion.  The first 3 verses share with us 3 emotions of our Lord, which give us more clarity of Jesus’ heart as we see Him washing the disciples feet.

Verse 1 says, “Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.” 

Notice the pattern of events in this one, short verse.  When Jesus gave thought to the time, that His life on earth was coming to an end, His first thought was to those He loved.  Some speculate that He was speaking of His 12 disciples in particular, however, He could have been thinking of all the redeemed of the Lord.  Regardless, what a glorious thought to know that His love for His people did not cause Him to stay with them, but rather run to take His cross for them.

The second verse reads, “And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's [son], to betray him.”  Can you imagine sitting down to eat a meal with one who was filled with the heart of Satan… knowing that he was plotting to betray you?  Oh the emotions!  And yet, Christ took that same basin and towel and made His way downward to the feet of Judas.  It must be understood that Jesus did not wash Judas’ feet by accident.  Humbling yourself to wash the feet of the one you love is not an easy thing. But to wash the feet of your enemy is perhaps the greatest showing of humility.

Finally, in verse 3 we read, “Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;”  Jesus understood clearly that He was God.  He knew that He had authority over the event of the Gospel and that no one could alter what the Father had set in order before the foundation of the world.  And knowing this kind of authority, Jesus lowered Himself, with a basin and towel, and washed the disciples feet.

We are told later in the chapter that this was His example to us that we might humble ourselves to wash one another’s feet; those whom we love and those who would betray us.  What an awesome God we serve!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Perceptions part 4

Nothing about the heart of Judas was ever bent toward God.  There was never a time when he had good intentions and then gave way to sin nature.  Judas betrayed the Lord as a result of the greatest need in human history: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Here’s a little snack:  The answer to one of Christianity's greatest questions is as hard to swallow as the thought to ask the question.  And the answer is yes, Judas was in fact a chosen vessel for the setting in order of life’s most wicked sin… the murder of Jesus Christ.

Sitting at the dinner table in the home of Martha, Judas was one of the privileged among the Lord’s chosen disciples.  John’s 12th Gospel chapter does not tell us of all who were present at the dinner, but it is clear that the list of notable participants included Mary, Martha, Lazarus and Judas.  Oh to have had such luxury bestowed upon us- to sit with the one who had been resurrected from the dead and enjoy the presence of the Power that resurrected him.  All the while, Judas couldn’t keep his mind off the bag filled with Lord’s money.

As Mary poured both her heart and a vessel of costly perfume on the feet of her Lord that she might wipe them with her hair in ridiculously humble adoration, the heart of Judas was revealed.  John tells us in verse 6 that Judas was a thief, and that he stole regularly from the bag of money.

The knowledge of Judas’ heart should not come as a surprise to us.  As students of God’s Word, we have already read John’s account to the predetermined heart of Judas.  The latter verses of John 6 speak boldly to this decreeing.  Verse 64 says, “But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.”  In that same chapter John reveals who it is that Jesus is speaking of: “Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spake of Judas Iscariot [the son] of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.”(verses 70-71)

What is so amazing about the scene in Martha’s home is that such hideous sin could be known in the presence of such glory.  Think about it.  Present in the same room as resurrection power sits the heart of Satan.  While one is bowed prostrate in humble worship, another is plotting wickedness.  And what is even more amazing is that Jesus knew the heart of both Mary and Judas.  May this be a reminder to us the next time we gather together- that God knows the heart of us all.

Judas was in fact the chosen vessel of wickedness that would unleash the world’s most wrathful evil ever known to the flesh of man.  Jesus was the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world; and nothing about this plan was produced on improvisation… not even the heart of Judas.  It was this heart, the heart of wickedness, that set in order the most glorious event in human history.  It’s hard for us to swallow this pill of the knowledge of God’s sovereignty.  That God could have, in some way, known before hand that Judas was capable of such wickedness.  It is an even harder pill to swallow to know that God ordained it.  And yet, the good pleasure of the Lord resides in both the Gospel of God’s Son- in glorious splendor, and the wickedness of a desperately evil heart- in utter depravity.

That Judas was a chosen vessel of dishonor does not change the fact that we are chosen vessels of honor.  In fact, this truth only enhances the splendor of God’s glorious good news.  May we rejoice today that the Gospel was made possible to us, NOT despite the act of Judas, but rather through the act of Judas.  In other words, no matter how sinful the heart of any man, God’s grace and love prevail… to the glory of God!

Pastor Mike Carmody

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Perceptions part 3

The ability to worship is the highest honor bestowed to man.  Our depravity disqualifies us from worshipping by our own will- and yet God seeks to be worshipped by nothing other.  Today we will see 3 aspects of worship that are irresistibly, overwhelmingly and unmistakably ours to enjoy.
Here’s a little snack: John’s 12th Gospel chapter plays as a sequel to the chapter before.  Lazarus, having been raised from the dead, is now sitting with the Lord at the house of Martha, eating a meal.  In the presence of a worker (Martha) a worshipper (Mary), and a wretch (Judas), Lazarus looks on as the product of resurrection power.  Each of these played as an example of what his new life could become.

Having the Savior as her focus, her surroundings, her sacrifice and her self gave way to the sweet smelling savor of worship.  Nothing else seemed to matter.  Her willful yielding at the feet of her Lord was the picture of selfless adoration to the resurrection and the life.  With her heart fully submitted to His, her knees collapsed to a most natural position- falling prostrate before her Lord.  Though her silhouette was positioned horizontally, her spirit was launched vertically into an atmosphere not commonly known to depraved man.  Mary became a worshipper.

At the height of her worshipful accent, Mary does the unthinkable.  She leaves the room abruptly; leaving the others to wonder what power she must be under.  Moments later, Mary reenters the room carrying a box reserved for the security of costly perfume.  Martha, Judas and Lazarus are utterly filled with wonder as they watch Mary effortlessly move toward Jesus as if she were floating.  As they watched her holding the box of ointment in her outstretched hands, an array of thoughts filled their minds.  Would she offer the perfume to Jesus as a payment for His working of this great resurrection miracle?  Would she seek to impress Jesus with the fact that she owned such a valuable thing?  What was Mary up to?
Before anyone could stop her, Mary breaks open the alabaster box of ointment and begins pouring it on the feet of her Lord.  Had she lost her mind?  Or was she simply surrendering all of her worth to Jesus in humble adoration?  Though the others were amazed, appalled and angered, Jesus approved.

Here we see 3 beautiful aspects of glorious worship that must take place if ever we are to believe that our time spent in the presence of our Lord was acceptable to a King.  First we see the sacrifice of worship.  May we know that true worship must cost us something; of our time, our emotion, our pride, our effort, our treasure, our talent and our self.  Secondly we see the sacredness of worship.  Mary knew that a woman’s hair was her glory, thus she used the most glorious thing she possessed to stroke the most glorious thing she knew- the feet of her Lord.  Finally, we smell the scent of worship.  May our worship toward Holiness leave the room, the building, the earth, with the sweet smelling aroma that can only be known after a time spent in the presence of God.  This is true worship!

Pastor Mike Carmody