The emotional aspect of any relationship is a very strong chord. In today's Snack, we will see how Jesus is fondly aware our emotions and cares deeply for our feelings. He goes to great lengths to maintain the emotional strength of our relationship with Him.
Here's a little snack: Fear is one of man kind's strongest emotions. And yet, when this emotion is not tempered with an even stronger faith, it can make our relationship with God very secure. We see this clearly in the 6th chapter of John's Gospel.
Shortly after Jesus fed nearly 15,000 hungry followers on the dusty side of a mountain, the disciples set sail on the Sea of Galilee. About half way across this 11 mile lake, a spontanious storm set the stage for yet another opportunty for Jesus to show how much He cared about His relationship with man.
Out of no where Jesus comes into view. Though their very lives were in danger, His chief concern was for their emotional state. "...he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid." What an opportunity for Jesus to show how much He cared for the emotional condition of the relationship He had with His people. If only we showed the same care for our relationships with others, what a difference it would make.
You see, fear, in any relationship is a dangerous thing. Fear will cause us to do things for all the wrong reasons. Fear will cause a woman to give into sexual demands, even when married, and never see the beauty of intimacy. That same action, when driven by love, produces a greater response. Fear of losing his wife to another man will cause a husband to actually push his wife away from the relationship instead of drawing her closer by faith in the relatioship. Fear can be very devistating.
2Timothy 1:7 says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." When we are afraid, we must first recognize this fear as a spirit. We must then know that this emotion does not find its origin in Christ, for Christ would not give us this spirit. Fear must be rebuked and taken into captivity by power, love and a sound mind.
Every strong relationship understands its controlling factors and what holds it together. Authority (power), passion (love) and peace (sound mind) are the bond of healthy relationships. When we are given authority by our mates (which is based on faith) it draws us closer to that person. When we are allowed to express our passions (without fear of ridicule), intimacy is created. And when we know clearly that their love is unconditional, peace is the inevitable outcome. Power, love and a sound mind are gifts of of the Spirit that allow us a healthy and strong relationship with others, and with God.
So, how is your relationship with God? Are you afraid of losing your salvation? Do you have fear of not measuring up? Are you afraid of letting Him down? How can you let God down when you were never holding Him up? God is the strengh of the relationship. Place your faith in Him today and He guarentees a strong relationship tomorrow.