Here’s a little snack: A focused reading of the 6th chapter of John’s Gospel will expose us to at least 3 elements of God’s relationship with His people. First we see the care that Christ expresses as He feeds the multitude of hungry followers. This allows us a generous view of how Christ feels about us physically.
Secondly, we see Christ’s care for us emotionally through the deliverance of the disciples from the raging storm on the Sea of Galilee. In our relationship with God, there is no need for fear.
Thirdly, we see Christ’s care for us spiritually, as takes time with the few remaining followers and loves them intimately through His teachings.
Every aspect of our life hinges on our relationship with God. Nothing in our life will seem worthwhile or purpose driven until our relationship with God is as it should be. The supreme Governor over all regulates our physical, emotional and spiritual pace. Until all 3 elements are willing placed in His care, we will never know a fulfilled relationship with God.
May we be awe struck today to know that a Holy God would even desire a relationship with sinful man. That He would allow us to be witness to His Glory is enough to bring us to our knees in humble worship and jubilant praise to the Supreme One, who would be God- with or without us. Praise His Holy Name!
So, how is your relationship with God? Have you placed all 3 elements into His care? May I encourage you today to relinquish yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually into the care of a loving God who cares so much for you.
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