John’s 11th Gospel chapter unveils 5 glorious truths that every follower of Christ should know. Today we will unveil the 3rd of these 5 truths, on our way to witnessing the greatest miracle of all. The raising of the dead to life again!
Here’s a little snack: Everyday is a new day as a follower of Christ. If this is true of ourdaily walk with Him, imagine the life of those fighting for the imprint of Christ’s sandals in the middle-eastern dust of 2000 years ago. With the rising of the sun came the possibility of being witness to the truest of all teachings, the greatest understanding of old testament Scriptures and perhaps, a miracle that would bring fame to the name of Jesus Christ. This particular day would differ only in that the rising of the sun would give light to the greatest of all miracles.
This miracle begins to take shape in verses 20-27 as Martha runs to greet Jesus on His way into town. Seemingly she arbitrates for Christ in defense of His delay: “If thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give [it] thee.” Her knowledge of Jesus and His abilities to KEEP man alive by healing them of their earthly sickness was obvious: “If thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.”
No doubt, Martha had been witness to the abilities of Christ to do what no other could do. In fact, one can only imagine that Christ’s miracles were the topic of daily discussion for those like Martha, Mary and Lazarus, who knew Jesus so well. Perhaps they had debated whether or not Jesus could raise the dead. Today, Jesus would put an end to any doubt that He was in fact the Lord of the living… and of the dead.
Her faith took a huge leap from verse 21 to verse 22. In just one verse she went from believing that Jesus could sustain life- to believing that Jesus could give life. My how choice and powerful were her words: “But I know, that even now…” Martha spoke words of faith that sets in motion the working of glorious miracles: “But I know…” These are not simply hopeful words or words spoken on show-string faith. These are words that create miracles. These are words that build solid platforms for works that only God can perform. These are words that most can only utter out of habit- with spiritualistic (but faithless) overtones. It’s one thing to say these words, and another to expect them to light the wick of dynamite-like happenings.
“…that even now…” With these words, Martha went from believing with site to believing with faith. By now, Lazarus was 4 days dead (verse 39). Martha’s faith extended into the land of the dead. It was one thing to believe that Jesus could do what He had done so many times before (verse 37), but Martha was believing Jesus to do what she had never seen with her natural eyes- only the eyes of faith.
Perhaps today you are needing Jesus to do a new thing in your life. It’s time to stretch your faith. It’s time to believe God to do what you have never seen Him do before. Let your words be spoken today with the knowledge of faith: “But I know…” And let those words set the stage for that new thing: “…that even now…”
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